REGULAR HOURS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 11-5. Please visit our announcements page to learn more.


Tempe Sister Cities International Center Capital Campaign is seeking funds to support construction of a sustainable building on the patio of the historic Hackett House in downtown Tempe. This center will be a multi-use building where international and community events will strengthen our community by providing opportunities for students and adults to explore and experience diverse cultures and build friendships and understanding with the many different peoples of the world.

Learn More

Our Impact

941 Tempe high school students have served as ambassadors to one of Tempe’s 11 sister cities. When we add their counterparts some 1854 students have participated in this life-changing experience. Tempe Sister Cities sponsors these exchanges and covers all travel costs for our student ambassadors.

Tempe Sister Cities volunteers have produced more than 272 special events…including 46 Oktoberfest Celebrations. In addition TSC has supported more than $1,000,000 in humanitarian aid.

More than 444,580 hours have been volunteered at Hackett House alone. And 2,760,000 hours producing 46 Oktoberfests! In addition to all the hours volunteered on other special events and exchange programs. (According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, volunteer time is valued at $25.86 per hour! TSC volunteer hours would be valued at more than $82,870,438).

1,653 middle and high school students have participated in Tempe Sister Cities’ annual Young Artist Competition. The competition includes original art, photography, essay and poetry competition.

482 elementary school students have competed in TSC’s annual Geography Bee…held at City Hall. Tempe Elementary Schools is the co-sponsor.

4,980 youngsters (aged 7-12) have participated in TSC’s multi-cultural award-winning program Passport to the World. They learn location, foods, music and dance, arts and crafts and history of a particular country or city in the world.

More than 12,975 people have enjoyed afternoon tea at the “Taking Tea at the Hackett” Program. The teas celebrate Tempe’s history just as Sally Hayden, Arizona Territory’s First Lady, hosted teas at her residence, La Casa Vieja, in the 1800’s.

8,087 have attended cooking classes at the “Cuisines of the World” program at the Hackett House. Professional chefs are recruited to instruct.

14,150 sixth grade students have attended the “Around the World in Your Own Back Yard” field trip program at the Hackett House.

TSC has exchanged 440 teachers, educators and professionals…and adding their counterparts means 873 adults have participated in these life-changing exchanges. TSC has exchanged fire fighters and police officers with Regensburg and plans similar exchanges with other sister cities in the near future. Educator programs are in place with Regensburg, Lower Hutt, Zhenjiang, Skopje and Trollhattan.

Current Progress


How To Contribute

Club 5000

EXCLUSIVE to the first 100 Donors ONLY! May be paid all at once or in two payments over 2 years. A $5000 or more tax deductible* donation gives you exclusive benefits, including:

  • YOUR NAME on the new International Center Building
  • LIFETIME membership in the Tempe Sister Cities, $400 Value
  • 2 VIP Tickets at Oktoberfest 2019, $100 Value
  • Discounts at NEWLY NAMED HH Millie Wuger Gift Shop
  • Special Pricing for International Center events, or to rent the venue
  • Your name printed on an Honor Roll document published annually, as well as in other materials for activities held at the center. (Please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous)

Honor Roll

A $1000-$4999 tax deductible* donation. Your name will be printed on an Honor Roll document published annually, as well as in other materials for activities held at the center. (Please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous)

Naming Rights

We are offering LIFETIME NAMING RIGHTS to Corporate or Private donors offering High Visibility in the bustling central Downtown Tempe area.

The following Levels of Support are still available!

  • The International Center Building
  • The Roof Garden
  • The Courtyard:  UPDATE:  The Courtyard has been funded and will be named after Dr. Ruth Tan Lim, M.D.
  • The Kitchen
  • The Gift Shop has been funded and will be named the Millie Wuger Gift Shop

* Tempe Sister Cities is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.  Please consult your tax advisor to determine whether any of your contribution may be limited in terms of deductibility.

Terrific Tuesdays

Watch for an INVITATION to TERRIFIC TUESDAYS! A Happy Hour gathering where you can get additional information about the International Center and the Historic Hackett House.

Contact Us

Tempe Sister Cities International Center
P: 602-432-7300

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The Hackett House

Serving as headquarters for the award winning Tempe Sisters Cities, the Historic Hackett House provides a wonderful backdrop which inspires our staff to create programs and events that allows us to participate in and enrich our community. We work toward making the world a smaller, more connected place.

Contribute Today!

Hackett House